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Code National Du Batiment Quebec Pdf Printer

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In order to ensure the quality of construction work and public safety, the Building Act provides for the adoption of a Construction Code and a Safety Code governing buildings, facilities intended for use by the public, electrical, plumbing and pressure installations, petroleum equipment installations, and installations intended to use, store or distribute gas. Whereas the Construction Code applies to plan and specifications designers (architects, engineers, technologists) and contractors, the Safety Code is intended for owners of buildings, facilities and installations.

ANSWER: Where the stiffener also serves as a cross-frame connection plate, both distortion-induced fatigue and load-induced fatigue should be considered. The bolted detail as shown does not alter the stiffener-to-web welded fatigue detail with respect to load-induced fatigue because this welded detail remains “Category C1”. However, connecting the connection plate to the flanges (when done correctly) should improve the distortion-induced fatigue resistance substantially. In order to avoid welded attachments in the tension flange, many older welded steel bridge girders feature cross-frame connection plates that were either cut short from, or ground to bear on, the tension flange. This outdated practice inadvertently resulted in the web taking out-of-plane stresses due to relative displacements of adjacent girders. These stress ranges, typically unaccounted for in the analyses, have been identified as the common cause of distortion-induced fatigue damage to welded bridge girders.

Recent editions of CSA S6 require that cross-frames and diaphragms be connected to each flange for a minimum force of 90 kN. QUESTION: (SPRING2012) When CSA G40.21 300W steel strip is specified as the material for light braces in a building structure, can commercial grade steel products be used instead? What if they are supplied with a test report showing yield stress values matching or exceeding 300 MPa? The reasons include: a) Commercial grade steel sheet and strip are not produced to meet mandatory mechanical properties, such as minimum yield point, tensile strength and elongation; and b) Strength levels reported on mill test certificates should not be used as the basis for design. See Clause 5.1.2 of CSA Standard S16-09.

QUESTION: (SPRING2011) In accordance with the National Building Code, steel building systems shall be manufactured by companies certified to CSA A660 “Certification of Manufacturers of Steel Building Systems.” Does this requirement apply to all steel fabricating plants? ANSWER: No, CSA A660 does not apply to all steel fabricating plants. A steel building system (SBS) features steel for the structural components plus related accessories engineered and designed as a total building system, commonly referred to as “pre-engineered buildings” for which the manufacturer is responsible for both the structural design and fabrication of the building system. Since the designer of the steel building system is also the seller, there is no independent third-party representing the interests of the public.

CSA A660 ensures that the SBS manufacturer is complying with the applicable building codes and design standards, and the public is protected. The vast majority of structural steel fabricators in Canada are only involved with fabrication of building structures that are designed by engineers employed by others. These fabricators are not required to be certified to CSA A660. They are certified to CSA W47.1 (welding). Some are also certified to CISC Quality Certification Program for Steel Structures. For information on CISC Certification Programs, visit the CISC website. QUESTION: (FALL2015) I recently came across some fully threaded A325 bolts in the connections of a building structure.

Are these bolts permitted? Do they have the same resistances versus bolts with regular thread length? How are they identified after installation?

Do they offer any benefit? ANSWER: A325 bolts threaded full length are permitted under Supplementary Requirement S1 of ASTM A325. They are restricted to bolt lengths within the length of four times the nominal diameter.

Bolt resistances: Since the tensile resistance is based on the threaded area (0.75Ab) it is not affected by the longer thread length. However, the bearing-type shear resistance must be reduced to account for threads intercepting the shear plane. When used in a slip-critical joint with a long grip, the smaller (threaded) bolt area in the entire grip affects the relationship between the clamping force and bolt elongation and may result in a reduction in clamping force when using the turn-of-nut installation method. The significance of this effect is a study in pursuit. Identification: The bolt head is marked with the symbol “A325T” instead of “A325” as shown in Figure 1.

Benefits: They offer no benefit in terms of bolt resistance. However, the fabricator and erector may find their use viable for certain applications from the standpoint of ordering and inventory control, particularly for applications where thin connected steel parts, instead of the bolts, control the connection shear resistance. QUESTION: (SUMMER2015) Are RCSC Specifications mandatory for projects in Canada? ANSWER: The Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC) Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts provides state-of-the-art criteria for design and installation of ASTM high-strength bolts and assemblies. These recommendations become mandatory if and when the local code adopts them. In Canada, structural design and inspection of bolted joints and installation of high-strength bolts should comply with CSA Standard S6 or provincial specifications for road bridge structures and S16 for building and other structures to which S16 applies. These standards adopt many recommendations in the RCSC Specification but not all and certainly not all at the same time.

In addition, S6 and S16 adopt ASTM specifications for high-strength bolts and bolt assemblies, e.g. ASTM A325 and F1852, by reference. These ASTM Specifications reference other pertinent specifications for testing, etc. QUESTION: (WINTER2014/2015) The resistances for bolts in tension and shear have increased significantly from those tabulated in the Handbook that I received in 2000. Are the modern high-strength bolts produced to a higher strength or have more recent research and testing substantiated the increase in resistance? ANSWER: The difference in bolt resistances for the ultimate limit states you noted reflects the increase in the resistance factor for bolts.

When the first limit states design standard for design of steel structures, CSA S16.1-74, was introduced in 1974 only two resistance factors were adopted, for simplicity – 0.90 for steel members and 0.67 for welds, bolts, concrete in composite beams and shear connectors. Research studies based on tests and statistic analyses suggest that the resistance factor for high strength bolts can be increased to 0.80, as documented in Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints, Second Edition (available via this link:.) This increase was first introduced to the Canadian Bridge Design Code when CAN/CSA S6-00 took effect; the change was adopted in S16 when S16-01 was released. QUESTION: (SUMMER2014) Are bolted moment connections used in a canopy structure required to be slip critical? My question relates to a situation where slip critical connections are not required for deflection control.

I have many years of connection design experience but seldom had to provide slip-critical connections for wind-load resisting braced bents or moment frames. ANSWER: The key question here is whether fatigue is a consideration; will the structure be subjected to repetitive loading and stress reversal? A relatively light canopy type of structure subjected to gusty local wind load may experience stress reversal and a significant number of load cycles to warrant such assessment. 775i65g Drivers Video Win7 Loader here. The judgement rests with the engineer responsible for the design of the structure. Fatigue design is covered in Clause 26 of S16.

QUESTION: (FALL2013) When ASTM F1852 bolts are used in a simple bearing-type shear connection designed to receive A325 bolts of equal size, does the bolt tension in F1852 bolts due to pre-tensioning reduce the shear strength? ANSWER: The answer is no. Navigon Freshmaps Android Download here. As recognized in CSA S16-09, the bolt in an ASTM F1852 twist-off type bolt assembly has the same ultimate shear strength as an A325 bolt of equal size. The ultimate shear strength of a high strength bolt is not affected by the presence of an initial pretension in the bolt.The Commentary to RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts offers this explanation. “When required, pretension is induced in a bolt by imposing a small axial elongation during installation, as described in the Commentary to Section 8. When the joint is subsequently loaded in shear, tension or combined shear and tension, the bolts will undergo significant deformations prior to failure that have the effect of overriding the small axial elongation that was introduced during installation, thereby removing the pretension.

Measurements taken in laboratory tests confirm that the pretension that would be sustained if the applied load were removed is essentially zero before the bolt fails in shear (Kulak et al., 1987; pp. Thus, the shear and tensile strengths of a bolt are not affected by the presence of an initial pretension in the bolt.” It should be noted that, for a given Class of faying surface (Class A, B or C), S16-09 assigns a smaller slip resistance to F1852 assemblies versus their A325 counterparts pretensioned by means of the turn-of-nut method, in recognition of the larger pretension typical in the turn-of-nut method of installation.

QUESTION: (SUMMER2013) What are the most common high-strength bolt products used in building construction? ANSWER: Three-quarter-inch A325 bolts are still very common. Some fabricators/erectors prefer seven-eighth-inch A325 bolts, especially for large projects. A490 bolts are used increasingly in building construction.

Typically, they are selected for connections resisting very large forces while A325 bolts may be used elsewhere in the structure. In such applications, care must be taken to prevent A325 bolts from being inadvertently installed in holes designed to receive A490 bolts. It is prudent to segregate them by size, typically, a quarter of an inch difference in diameter.Practical combinations include: a) 1˝ A490 bolts for heavy connections and ¾˝ A325 bolts elsewhere; and b) 1⅛˝ A490 bolts for heavy connections and ⅞˝ A325 bolts elsewhere. Where pre-tensioned installation is required, twist-off type tension-control bolts (assemblies) have emerged to be viable options.

ASTM F1852 and ASTM F2280 bolts (twist-off type) share the ultimate-limit-state resistances with A325 bolts and A490 bolts respectively. However, CSA S16-09 specifies smaller values for 5 per cent slip coefficients, c 1, for these twist-off type bolt assemblies versus those of high strength bolts pre-tensioned to meet the turn-of-nut method of installation. For further discussion on ASTM F1852 and ASTM F2280, visit Q & A Column in Advantage Steel No. A490 and F2280 products shall not be galvanized. Use of metric bolts is still rare because they are unavailable unless a special order for a very large quantity is placed with advance notice.

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