Convert Docbook To Pdf Windows 7 Average ratng: 9,5/10 4145reviews

Convert Docbook To Pdf Windows 10. Microsoft Office. 1Windows Vista. Windows Server 2. Windows Server 2.

Hi, We use a customized DocBook PDF transformation. We've developed an tested the transformation with oXygen 16.1 on Windows 7. However, the customer uses a build process on a Linux machine (OpenSuse 64 bit) and there some features are broken, for example: - the numbering starts on the wrong page, - the footer is missing some text, - are not rendered - the header of the index is missing I've already checked the xsltproc (xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20900, libxslt 10128 and libexslt 817) and FOP versions but cannot find any suspicious differences. The error log also doesn't show any entries which look related on first sight. Any pointers where I could look for the problem? Hi, Can you confirm that you don't get the same broken features when running the DocBook PDF conversion on the same input XML document on a Windows 7 machine, and with exactly the same parameters of the conversion?

Convert Docbook To Pdf Windows 7

If yes, please check in what JRE version number the customer is running Oxygen on their 64-bit openSUSE machine. Is it an Oracle JRE? These details are visible in the properties java.runtime.version, java.version, java.vendor on the System properties tab of the Help ->About dialog box.

I remember some errors a while ago in the FO to PDF conversion step caused by an ugly bug in the FO processor related to the 64-bitness of the JRE. To make sure the customer has not stumbled into that I would suggest first to try also the same DocBook PDF conversion with a 32-bit JRE, if they are currently running Oxygen in a 64-bit JRE. Did you manage to trace the location of the transformation error?

Does the XSLT transformation also break in the Oxygen application with the Saxon processor? Or does the transformation break with a custom processor (xsltproc) but works correctly with one of the XSLT processors that come in the Oxygen kit, for example the Saxon processor? Can you isolate the area of XSLT code where this difference occurs, and post here or a small sample XSLT file and a sample XML input file that show this difference in the execution of the same XSLT transformation with two different processors? Hi, If the same DocBook XSL stylesheets come with the SUSE server installation as in the Oxygen installation then you should get the same output as in the DocBook transformation in the Oxygen application. Maybe there is a different parameter set in your DOcBook transformation that is not present in the Oxygen transformation, or maybe a different FO processor is used for generating the final PDF output? Anyway I think we can help you only if you can for reproducing the error in the Oxygen application.

Getting started This article demonstrates how to use DocBook XML and the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) together to create reusable technical documentation that is easily distributed in many formats. DocBook XML is a library of standard XML tags with which you can write stylesheets for generating almost any output. However, because DocBook has been around for nearly 10 years, many stylesheets have already been written that generate many types of documentation, including HTML, text, PDF, and man pages. After completing this article, you should be able to use DocBook XML to create documentation that can be generated into HTML and used in an Eclipse help plug-in and a PDF from a single XML source file. You should have some working knowledge of XML. You should also be comfortable using Eclipse and Apache Ant, including running Ant build files from the Eclipse IDE. You need Eclipse V3.2 or later, the DocBook XML V4.x Document Type Definitions (DTDs), DocBook XSL stylesheets, Apache Xalan-Java™, and (optionally) Apache FOP (see for downloads).

DocBook XML overview DocBook XML is an XML library of tags tailored for writing documentation. Many of the tags available in DocBook make it a natural choice for building technical documentation.

Because DocBook is XML, it can be transformed to many different output formats using stylesheets, which makes DocBook XML a natural choice for writing technical documents once and generating them in various formats. Note: This code in this article was developed using DocBook XML V4.5; V5.0 was in release candidate status at the time of writing.

High-level elements Table 1 shows the elements commonly used as the high-level elements of a DocBook XML file. Top-level DocBook XML elements Element Description book Contains many other elements; the only higher-level element is chapter A part of a book article An article, which can also be included in a book Elements for content Inside the higher-level elements, you might want to add actual contents — paragraphs, tables, lists, code samples, etc. Table 2 lists some of the common elements used for adding content to your book, chapter, or article. An exhaustive mention of each available DocBook XML tag is best left to reference manuals; a link to an HTML version of one of these is available in. Books about DocBook XML are also available. The tags listed in will give you a good start, but many more are available for covering screenshots, command prompts, user input, trademarks, and quotations, to name a few.

Setting up your environment You must use a tool to perform Extensible Stylesheet Transformation Language (XSLT) transformation, along with XSL stylesheets to transform the DocBook XML into a format that you find more useful, such as HTML or PDF. If you were building your own proprietary XML, you would also have to write your own stylesheets. However, using an established format like DocBook XML allows you to use stylesheets other people have already written.

To use the prewritten stylesheets, download them (see ). At the time of this writing, one set of stylesheets for DocBook XML V4.5 is DocBook XSL V1.72.0. Get the stylesheets The archive file you download that contains the DocBook XSL (for example, includes the stylesheets in different directories organized by the type of output they produce. An html directory includes stylesheets for outputting HTML; a fo directory includes stylesheets for generating files in Formatting Objects (FO) format, etc.

Download the archive file and save it to a location that will be easy to remember later. There is no need to extract the files from the archive file — you can import them directly into Eclipse. Use Xalan In this article, I use Xalan as the XSLT processor.

There's one problem with using Xalan with the version of Ant that ships with Eclipse: The version is older and has problems when trying to process the XSLs. Xalan is an Apache project available as two subprojects: Xalan C++ and Xalan-Java. Can I Find My Drivers License Number Online For Free on this page.

Download Xalan-Java if you do not have it on your machine. When you're finished downloading the file, save it in a location that's easy to remember. Like the archive file containing the stylesheets, do not extract the contents of the file yet. Create the Eclipse project Up to this point, you've seen a few sample files and should have downloaded the latest versions of the DocBook XSL stylesheets, as well as the latest version of Xalan, if you didn't already have them.

You should also have downloaded the DocBook XML schema files. The archive files (for example,,, and should be saved in a location that's easy to find. With all the archive files downloaded and saved, you're ready to start Eclipse to create your new project and edit the DocBook XML and Ant script that will transform your DocBook XML into different formats. After Eclipse starts, create a new project by choosing File >New >Project.

Under General, click the generic Project, then click Next. After typing the name of your project, click Finish to create the new project in your workspace.

Import files from the archives Now that you've created a new project in Eclipse, import the files that you'll be using to build the DocBook XML. Import the DTD files First, import the DocBook XML DTD files. Choose File >Import, as shown below, then, from the General category, choose Archive File. When the Import Wizard appears, click Browse to open a file browser you can use to locate the DocBook XML DTD archive file, such as Importing from an archive file In the Into folder box, type /docbook-xml after your project name.

Make sure that the / folder is selected, as shown below. Click Select All if it's not selected or if it's grayed out, then click Finish when you're done. The files within the archive are inserted into your project.

Choosing the files to import. Import the XSL stylesheets When you're finished importing the DocBook XML DTD files, follow the same process to import the contents of the file. This time, however, you don't need to specify a folder name after your project name in the Into folder box because the contents of the archive will already be put into a folder called docbook-xsl-1.72.0 inside your project. Now that you've imported the XSL stylesheets, import the Java Archive (JAR) files you'll need from the archive you downloaded from the Xalan Web site. Follow the same process as importing the other archive files, but this time, make sure that you clear the docs, licenses, and samples directories so they aren't imported into the project.

After you've cleared those directories, modify the project name in the Into folder box by adding /lib. After importing all the files you'll need, create an additional folder within your project and name it src. This will be the base folder for all your DocBook XML files. So far, you should have a project in Eclipse that has the following folders: • docbook-xml, which contains the DocBook XML DTDs • docbook-xsl-1.72.0, which contains the DocBook XSL stylesheets • lib, which contains the Xalan JAR files • src, which is empty right now If you have all these folders in your project, you're ready to add an Ant build.xml file to run the transformation process. Write an Ant script Ant is a Java-based build tool that reads an XML script and can perform many tasks defined in the script. If you're unfamiliar with Ant, see.

In this article, you will use Eclipse to initiate Ant, so you don't have to become familiar with how to run it from the command line. Also, you needn't concern yourself with downloading and installing Ant because the Eclipse IDE V3.2.x ships with Ant. It's an older version than that currently available — V1.65 as opposed to V1.7 — but for purposes of this article, that won't matter. However, the version of Xalan that comes with V1.6.5 of Ant didn't seem to work well when I tried it with the latest DocBook XSLs. But if you're downloading and using the latest version of Xalan (and the version of Xerces included), it should work just fine.

Use Xalan with Ant There are several ways to tell Ant to use a particular version of Xalan — or any other XSLT processor — instead of the default version that comes with Ant. One of them is to modify the classpath for Ant. When you're using Ant within the Eclipse IDE, this is fairly simple to do.

Choose Window >Preferences to change the settings under Ant/CLASSPATH. You can remove any references to Xalan or Xerces on the CLASSPATH tab and replace them with the versions you have downloaded.

• From the Available Templates list, choose Plug-in with sample help content, then click Next. • In the next window, click Finish. You may be prompted to switch to the Plug-in Development perspective.

If you are, I recommend clicking Yes because the perspective automatically includes views that will be helpful to you in building the help. The new project contains a folder called html and within that folder, some sample HTML files.

You will replace these files with the HTML files generated in the DocBook project. American Truck Simulator 2014 Download Softonic. Check your progress Without making any changes yet, choose Run >Run As >Eclipse Application to run the plug-in with an instance of Eclipse to see what the help looks like so far. A new instance of Eclipse starts, using your plug-in. After Eclipse starts, choose Help >Help Contents to see your plug-in in action. If you've made no changes, you'll see Test TOC listed among the contents, as shown in Figure 5.

The sample table of contents. Related topics • Read more about DocBook XML at the.

• Read more about Ant tasks in the. • Download Eclipse from. • Download Apache FOP for converting FO files to various formats, including PDF, from the site. • Download the.

• Get to perform transformations without writing your own stylesheets. • Download and read about the latest version of. • Check out the latest at IBM.

• Check out the '.' • Browse all the on developerWorks. • Expand your Eclipse skills by checking out IBM developerWorks'. • For an introduction to the Eclipse platform, see '.'

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