Michael Badnarik Good To Be King Pdf To Jpg Average ratng: 5,7/10 1338reviews

Let's learn from this or history will repeat. AE911truth first opened their website about 3.5 weeks AFTER Dr. Wood submitted her Request for Corrections (RFC) to NIST.

She was the first to submit an RFC that blew the whistle on the contractors for the NIST report. Can you say “damage control”? Then she filed a federal qui tam case that could have blown this whole case wide open, including putting people under oath – if there were enough supporters. It became a policy in AE911Truth to ban those who discussed the work of Dr.

Wood in an honest manor. If Richard Gage, founder & CEO of AE911truth, bought Dr. Wood’s book in the spring of 2011 and read it, he can no longer use “plausible deniability” as a defense. Gage is knowingly leading people away from the truth about 9/11 and using AE911Truth funds to accomplish this task. So leading people away from the truth must be the mission of AE911Truth. How else could he justify using AE911Truth funds to buy this book? Who funds AE911Truth?

Michael Badnarik Good To Be King Pdf To Jpg

Michael Badnarik Explains The Power to Govern Comes From It's People on Alex. Alex also welcomes back to the show Michael Badnarik. Good To Be King.

Donations through the donation drives on his site have dried up. However, donating creates a psychological hold on the donor and they are less likely to leave the organization or question Mr.

Wood promotes independent thinking. Perhaps this is why she does not ask for donations on her website or conduct membership drives for a “truth club” to keep everyone in lockstep, where members are issued a list of talking points to focus on so that they don’t go looking for the truth. Wood is just one person. The D O C Deuce Download Firefox.

Richard Gage brags about having a large membership in lockstep with him. So why is he so concerned about just ONE person and radiates such anger at Dr. The truth is powerful and it emerges through independent thought. Why is there no Wikipedia page for Dr.

Wood but one for Richard Gage that redirects to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth? Wikipedia Search Results For Dr.

Judy Wood Wikipedia Search Results For Richard Gage (Architect) Try posting a Wikipedia page for Dr. Judy Wood & see how fast it's deleted! The truth is known & we had a chance. But well-meaning people who joined the 'Truther Movement' were herded up & manipulated into trampling it. Groups are easy to manage & manipulate into being in lockstep with their leader. Sheeple need to leave the herd and read Dr. Wood's book before they are fleeced.

You won't find truth in a club. Anonymous Oh - almost forgot.

I wish I knew sooner about Jones' position in the cold fusion debate. I was under the impression (don't know why I messed this up) that he was for getting the tech out there - rather than instrumental in suppression. Getting to the truth is so difficult when so many people are liars.

And so many liars in high places - powerful positions. All the way to the top. How can this be the 'greatest country' in the world when it is controlled by murdering liars? It can't - it can never be.

It can only become more of a plundered dump populated by the ignorant. The number of people who believe that a PC and an Internet connection makes them a qualified forensic scientist is disturbing. The empirical EVIDENCE tells us that the majority of the buildings turned into dust in mid air. Therefore, something that can do this (turn it into dust in mid air) must exist.

That is the proof that it exists. You don't need the serial numbers for the gizmo to know what happened. When 'white man' first arrived on the American continent with firearms, indigenous people did not need to know the serial numbers of their weapons to know what they can do. They didn't need to have seen such weapons in order to know that there exists a weapon that can fire a piece of metal fast enough to kill their brother. Likewise, by the end of the day on August 6, 1945, the people living near Hiroshima, Japan, did not need to understand how a nuclear bomb works in order to know that there exists a technology that can produce enormous amounts of heat or to know that there exists a super-duper Kinetic Energy Weapon (KEW) that is capable of destroying an entire city. Wood puts-forth in WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?, there is no evidence for the use of any kinetic device including super duper thermite or super duper micro mini nukes for these reasons. 1.) No seismic evidence.

2.) No sound evidence. 3.) No heat evidence. [i.e.unburnt paper] 4.) No blast evidence [i.e. The foundation 'bathtub' remained intact and did not flood.] What Dr. Wood learned from preparing her textbook was that a more accurate term for the “dustification” of two quarter mile high skyscrapers with a combined weight of more than one million tons is “magnetic-electrogravitic-nuclear reactions”. The word “nuclear” is included because the molecular disassociation occurs at a nuclear level and should not to be confused with a conventional nuclear reaction. This term can be found in Chapter 17 The Tesla-Hutchison Effect, Section I.

Apparent Transmutation, page 365, 3rd line from the top. The thermite or micro-nuke bandwagon is an excellent demonstration of just how easy it is to herd public opinion.

Magicians don't need to lie; they just need to charm the audience into making wrong assumptions and the audience will generate the lies themselves. The lies don't need to last forever. They only need to last until it is too late to undo things and see more clearly. The simple fact, validated by the almost complete lack of commensurate debris on the ground at the World Trade Center complex, indicates that the buildings went up, they did not come down.

By reading WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? You will discover the truth on your own as I have done. But before reading her book, I suggest reading Andrew Johnson's book first. 9/11Finding the Truth A Compilation of Articles by Andrew Johnson Focused around the research and evidence compiled by Dr. Judy Wood Chapter 31. AE911 “Truth” and Other Sites Again Censor The Evidence 04 Apr 2010 AE911 – Silently Deletes A Petition Signer (pages 297 to 300) In Appendix C, page 238, section C, (Refined searches) of Michael Armenia’s book, 'Nanomanagement:The Disintegration of a Non-Profit Corporation', the name “Judy Wood” is a search term used to disqualify a person’s affiliation with AE911Truth.

WAKE UP THIS IS YOUR ALARM! Music, lyrics, and vocals by Charlie Pound © 2012 Verse 1: Where did the towers go? Away with the breeze that blows. And how much steel did they find?

Could it be shipped in time? I don’t know I haven’t seen the receipt, but it doesn’t make sense to me!

All those cars in a line, door handles and engines gone. I’d tell you if I could, but you need to ask Judy Wood. Before you accuse someone, you better make damn sure you know what was done! Chorus: Wake up! This is your alarm! Verse 2: So while you're sitting on the fence, why don’t you check the evidence?

I’ll tell you something that you’ll learn, World Trade Center paper doesn’t burn. And how could those buildings fall, with a seismic impact so small? I know that something’s wrong, eight seconds the north tower's gone. I’d tell you if I could, but you need to ask Judy Wood. Before you accuse someone you better make sure you know how it was done! Chorus: Wake up! This is your alarm!

Middle eight: You know it was 2001, here we are and we're still arguing! Chorus: Wake up! This is your alarm!

This is your alarm! “The towers didn’t burn up, nor did they slam to the ground. They turned into dust in mid air.”. Neil Kramer on the Veritas Radio Show Neil Kramer: 'Anyone, in my view, who denies her (Dr. Wood) research without taking a close look at it is either stupid or they're on the payroll. And that's a bold thing to say and I wouldn't usually bother to say something like that but I feel quite strongly about that.

And I've seen her interviewed countless time, I've gone over her research at some length to say the least. I have seen numerous attempts to debunk this woman and they fail. And they fail because she is not dealing with anything other than what is there, right in front of our eyes. She's pretty on top of that ethos. She understands that that's the key to getting more people to look at what she's doing.

And she definitely exposes the treachery and duplicity of some very influential factions in the 9/11 truth movement, and they just totally dismiss her work. And you cannot dismiss Dr. Judy Wood's work without being, as I said, either just plain bloody ignorant or completely compromised in some way. So I think it's very important.'

I was thinking about how Huckabee has capitalized on Chuck Norris and was wondering if we couldn't do the same. I mean think outside the box. One big pool of voters who, if we can get them to turn out at the caucus and primaries, would be critical is young college kids. We're already doing a great job with the blimp idea (I can see it working first hand).

Maybe recruit someone like Marshall Mathers? Heck even start getting moderates, Ben Affleck seemed somewhat favorable on Bill Maher's show. And here's one I think is an almost perfect match maybe: Clint Eastwood. Or how about Mel Gibson? Mull that over. After all those two are conservative, but reject the war in Iraq. Just an idea.

It may be an uphill battle, but we do need some mainstream-recognized face to help bolster our image. Don't know how to make this work, but I think it's worth thinking about. As for Mel Gibson, his father already supports Paul.

There is a door open there. Edit: Both of them have a tough guy image that I think can help make conservative voters comfortable with our foreign policy. Please not Mel Gibson. I hate the son of a b (I don't really like racists). I don't agree, but I know enough uninformed people will, so it's probably not worth it. Clint definitely is preferable, but do we have much of a choice? I only mentioned Mel cuz his father is already pro-Paul.

What happened to the Eastwood project? Never heard of it, I assume someone else did take to this idea. Hope someone else can fill us on it, and it's progress. We need someone line Clint Eastwood for the primaries. Once we win the primaries, if Hillary is our opponent, due to her pro-war, pro-PATRIOT act, pro-attacking Iran, record, I'm sure we'll get much of the anti-war left onboard and won't have trouble coming up with celebrity support.

'F***ing Jews.Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world' and then asked Deputy Mee if he was Jewish. I am convinced. Now, I do take back my statement about hating racists. I do have some hatred for the parts of their character that leads to it and is behind it--but there's no way I should hate them--and I definitely don't: My Grandpa is an old-time (he's 92) racist and, I just found out yesterday, an anti-Semite. And it sure doesn't make me hate him--but it makes me take a hell of a lot he things at less than face value--and for good reason, because his thinking is clouded with something I view as wrong and evil.

My mother and step-dad were racist also, and most blue-collar guys from my home town and my wife's home town are very racist also. It freaking amazes me, especially because a few of them call themselves Christians (like Gibson).

It's not factually true either, Bush/Cheney are Christian even if some of the early cheerleaders of Iraq war like Libby, Richard Perle, Wolfowitz, AIPAC lobby etc are not. Majority of Jewish voters are against Iraq war, they almost sent Lieberman home from Senate for supporting Iraq war and pushing US to invade Iran next. First, Bush/Cheney are NOT Christian. They do not follow ANY of Christ's teachings. Bush's grandfather Prescott was convicted for financing Hitler in 1942. ANYWAYS don't hijack the thread.

---------------------------------------- So it looks like John Mayer and Clint Eastwood are our best bets? How can we make this work? Anyone with connections? Someone volunteering to phone around for them?

Try to get in contact with them over it? Maybe the Paul campaign themselves could contact Mayer?

And what about Eastwood. I don't want to just TALK about this. We need action, and soon.

We need a way to get face time, and a celebrity press boon like what huck got from chuck norris may be needed. We need a campaign crusader besides Paul. Someone who can and is willing to put out the message and who has already earned status with the press. Bruce Springsteen and John Melloncamp are pretty hardcore progressives, it might be tougher to bring them on, but with Kucinich making googly eyes, maybe not. How can we DO this? We can talk about supporting Ron Paul all day, but unless we do some drastic things (the blimp is a good direction), we might not break through the media censorship. Celebrities have privilege in the media world, to speak their mind and be heard, unlike the rest of us.

Let's do this. Phone numbers to call? Anyone who knows someone well connected in that realm? Sorry, my connections go the opposite way (uncle golfing with McCain on weekends opposite). If John Mayer was serious in that video we have to find a way to contact him, an agent, a secretary, I don't care this is a revolution and we need leaders. As well as come up with a good idea of what we are hoping from him.

Why do we keep hearing Mel Gibson--anti-Semite, John Mayer--that video is horrifically embarrassing, George Carlin--mocks religion especially Christianity (hint: really bad), Tom Cruise--Scientologist. All these people would turn off 90% of Republicans so bad it could be devastating (well maybe Mayer wouldn't 'turn off Repubs necessarily--but I know what would happen--O'Reilly, or Hannity, or Laura Ingraham, would say, Now this, John Mayer endorsed Ron Paul today, apparently because, quote, 'Ron Paul knows the Constitution'--as you can see him saying in this video where he clearly supports all of his positions.' I am not saying I disrespect these people for these reasons (well, Mayer looked so stupid in that video it almost made me want to not like Ron Paul). John Mayer didn't look super cool in that video, however, he does have a significant draw among the younger generation.

So even if he did looks stupid in that video he would be an effective celebrity endorsement. If it was up to me, I'd say see if John Mayer is willing to public endorse Ron Paul. Mel Gibson - No, Ron already has the potential racist problem from accepting the Neo-Nazi money, this will not help. Not to mention Mel is well pass his time and doesn't have a big draw. Tom Cruise - He's nuts. Leonardo DiCaprio - I'd say he would be a good celebrity endorsement. Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie - I personally don't like them.

But I guess they would be good. Personally I'm not so big on celebrity endorsements. I feel this way largely because a celebrity's influence, usually, far outweighs their knowledge. If I told you to vote for 'person X,' I would have to convince you that 'person X' is a good choice by informing your of his/her positions, character, and ability to do what they say.

If a celebrity says I support 'person X' and you should to, you may vote for 'person X' just because you liked Leo in 'The Departed' (great movie btw) or a huge John Mayer fan. I find this damaging to a democratic society. Then again I find most other POTUS candidates far more damaging.

So if a few celebrity endorsements play a role in Ron Paul getting elected, I guess it will be worth it. Somewhat machiavellian, but what are you going t do? How about Nick Nolte?

Under a pic of him with Aaron Russo on this page (is the following blurb: America: Freedom to Fascism Opened to Standing Ovations at Cannes! The international audience at Cannes as well as the European media has been fascinated by Russo’s fiery diatribe against the direction America is heading. Download Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bits Portugues Torrentz more. The discussion that followed the preview lasted for thirty minutes.

Actor Nick Nolte, in Cannes for the premiere of “Over The Hedge,” joined Russo during the event. “The information in this film is something everybody has to know”, said Nolte, who was the lead actor in “Teachers,” a film produced by Russo. Btirpak2 >>>>>>>>>>>Clint Eastwood would be the coolest thing in the world. He is a self-described Libertarian. He is incredibly cool to incredibly more people (especially older and Repub types) than Norris.

How bout we start a letter writing campaign NOW, today. Get the contact info, and get it to dailypaul, meetups, and everyone here to write. And, probably in a way more importantly, call Campaign and get them to call Mr. (We're sure he's not actually a progressive or anything?

Or anti-semite or super anti-Christian or anything?) And he's a director! He could do Pauls commercials--maybe?--too expensive? This has been on my mind for some time - wondering why no celebrities have endorsed Ron Paul as of yet? This is really the domain of the official campaign and Dr. Paul's congressional staff to keep track of who has positive leanings towards Ron and actively solicit endorsements.

I just wonder if they are doing this however? Someone like Clint Eastwood or the Terminator Governor would be fine. I guess you can't turn down unsolicited endorsements but Mel Gibson would definitely hurt more than he would help. Can someone with a number call the campaign about this and get back to us with their response? What is the best way to do a letter writing campaign to Eastwood?

It seems like we could get him hundreds and hundreds of letters in just a few days. I have been trying to get some Texas singers to take a look at Ron Paul. As in Pat Green, Jason Boland, Radney Foster adn some others that bring in BIG crowds in texas of teens to people in their 40's. These guys down here on the Texas Dancehall scene are real hellraiser's who can really bring in the votes and support from Ron Paul.

They ar closely tied to legends like WIllie Nelson, Waylon jennings, Gary P. Nunn, and Jerry Jeff Walker.

I will keep asking. This has been on my mind for some time - wondering why no celebrities have endorsed Ron Paul as of yet? Celebrities or well-known people that have endorsed Ron Paul: Academia David Beito (Ph.D. [191] (- professor of history at University of Alabama* Walter Block (Ph.D.[192] (- professor of economics at Loyola University* and fellow at the Mises Institute (Jack Chambless, Ph.D.[193] (- professor of economics (at Valencia College* Joe Michael Cobb, Ph.D.[194] (- retired professor of economics (Orange Coast College (and Saddleback College (Gary Galles, Ph.D.[195] (- professor of economics (at Pepperdine University (Walter E. Williams (Ph.D.[196] (- professor of economics (at George Mason University (Thomas E.

(Ph.D.[197] (- author and resident historian at the Mises Institute**Affiliations listed for informational purposes only. Entertainers Donna D'Errico ((- Actress, model Bill Dumas[199] (- Hollywood film producer Glen Jacobs ((- WWE wrestler 'Kane' Barry Manilow ((- Singer John Mayer ((- Guitarist (Sean Morley ((- WWE (wrestler 'Val Venis' David Pasquesi ([204] (- Actor and comedian Aaron Russo ((1943-2007)[205] (- Hollywood film producer Doug Stanhope ((- Comedian J. Michael Straczynski ((- Creator of Babylon 5 (Jimmie Vaughan ((- Blues guitarist The Evolutionaries[209] (- New York (industrial music (group Virtuopath[210] (- Acoustic musician Rockie Lynne ((- Country music artist Krist Novoselic ((- American rock musician best known as the bassist for NirvanaMedia James Bovard (needed (- Author and Columnist Tucker Carlson (needed (- Host of 'Tucker (Vox Day ((- Columnist Marc Emery ((- Radio Station Manager Devvy Kidd ((- political columnist.

Texe Marrs ((- Pastor, Author and Radio Host Bruce Alan Martin[217] (- Radio host, 'Long Island Liberty, with BAM', WUSB (90.1 FM Stony Brook, NY. Ilana Mercer ((- Columnist Paul Mulshine (needed (- Journalist Peter Schiff ((- Financial consultant and Fox News (contributor Gary B. Smith[220] (- Fox News (Economics commentator Joseph Sobran ((- Columnist G.

Edward Griffin ((- Author and Film Producer L. Neil Smith ((- Author Jack Cafferty ((- Host of 'The Cafferty File'Organizations Jefferson Republican Party ([225] (United Republicans of California [226] (Reform Party (of Ohio ((officials Karen Kwiatkowski ((- Retired U.S. Air Force Lt.

Colonel Andrew Napolitano ((- Political Commentator and former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Michael Scheuer ((- Former Head analyst at the CIA (bin Laden (UnitElected officials Bob Barr ([231] (- Former member of Congress (R-GA) Michael J. Doherty ([232] (- New Jersey State Legislator Paul Findley ((- Former Member of Congress (R-IL) Barry Goldwater, Jr. ((- Former Member of Congress (R-CA) Jim Guest ((- Missouri State Representative Barbara Hagan[236] (- right-to-life (activist and former New Hampshire state representative. Paul Ingbretson [237] (- New Hampshire State Representative Karen Johnson [238] (- Arizona State Senator Walter Jones ((- Member of Congress (R-NC) Tom Langlais [240] (- former New Hampshire State Representative Jerry O'Neill[233] (- Montana state representative Dick Randolph [241] (- former Alaskan State Representative Steve Vaillancourt[233] (- New Hampshire state representative Lowell Weicker ((- former Senator and Connecticut (governorOther political Michael Badnarik ((- 2004 Libertarian Party (Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin ((- 2004 Constitution Party (Vice-Presidential candidate. Pat Buchanan (- Political analyst and 2000 Reform Party (Presidential candidate.

Jim Clymer ((- Constitution Party National Chairman Frank Gonzalez (((- 2008 Independent Congressional candidate in Florida (Stephen P. Gordon ((- former National Libertarian Party Communications Director Larry Kilgore ((- 2008 Republican candidate for U.S. Senate (in Texas (Steve Kubby ((- 2008 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Michael Peroutka ((- 2004 Constitution Party Presidential candidate Justin Raimondo ((- 1996 Republican congressional candidate in California (and Editorial Director of Antiwar.com (Michael Charles Smith ((- 2008 Republican Party presidential candidate. Theodore Terbolizard[254] ((- 2008 Republican Congressional candidate in California Kinky Friedman ((- 2006 Texas gubernatorial candidate (Pastor John Killian[257] (- Maytown Baptist Church, Maytown, Alabama Pastor Creighton Lovelace ((- Danieltown Baptist Church, Forest City, North Carolina, Jacob G. Hornberger ((- founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. Economics, J.D., trial attorney, adjunct professor at the U.

The Old School Conservatives, independent political organization[260] (On November 21, 2007, Massachusetts venture capitalist Larry Lepard spent approximately $85,000 of his own money to purchase a full page advertisement in USA Today (endorsing Ron Paul. [15] (Although Lepard claims he was promised that the ad would appear in the newspaper's first section, the ad actually appeared in a different section. [16] (An HTML version of the ad can be seen here (A PDF of the ad can be seen here (Dennis Hof (owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada.[261] (Hof gave the endorsement at the request of his friend Tucker Carlson (who also supports Ron Paul.[262] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Paul_presidential_campaign,_2008#_note-245).

This is a good idea my suggestion is to begin to build a dialogue with selected/some celebrities but before you do so, make sure you are able to have an informed discussion about how ron paul's policies could work. One of the current problems is that ron paul's policies are still germinating as ideas and have not bee fully expressed as how they can actually manifest themselves.

So -- maybe begin a dialogue and discussion and learn with the celebrity? And yes i like client eastwood as a possible endorser:D maybe something along the lines of 'he's not perfect but. He seems tobe the right man for the times.' :rolleyes: *dreams * lol. Contact Bill Maher and ask him if he'd be willing to campaign with Ron Paul as a celebrity supporter and if he knows other celebrities who support Ron Paul possibly also add jim cramer to that list contact all your favorite rock band blogs and see if you can get Ron Paul discussions going. And maybe a few Rock Bands might be interested in endorsing Ron Paul I heard John Mayer supports Ron Paul, not sure about that, but he's popular with a lot of girls;) letterman endorsed Ron Paul in 1988.

See if he'll do it again Tucker Carlson maybe will bring some more random people to Ron Paul events to stir up some sort of media coverage of Ron Paul. Some may say Tucker Carlson did a bad job at the end of november with bringing those people in Nevada, but he got people talking about Ron Paul some more. It was great to see John Mayer come out in support of Dr. Ron Paul and in support of the constitution! And who can choose the way he did it?

Since he's always followed by media wherever he goes, he didn't exactly choose the confrontation. The battle came to him and he stood up for Ron Paul - camera or no camera! Frankly I'm a little shocked that people are offended by the question of his sobriety. The camera caught the musician in an unguarded moment, that's all. His friend claimed Paul Wolfowitz did nothing wrong - and he takes a verbal pounding from Mayer who maintained that what he is talking about is the issue of constitutionality. Ron Paul supporters like myself are VERY happy about this development. There is strong support for Neocons like Paul Wolfowitz in the entertainment industry and for no good reason given that America was misled by them about the Bojinka threat which they ignored (- and misled again about Iraq threat which they hyped.

John Mayer is a brave man to stand up to them even when reminded that the media was there to capture his every word. It was great to see John Mayer come out in support of Dr. Ron Paul and in support of the constitution! And who can choose the way he did it? Since he's always followed by media wherever he goes, he didn't exactly choose the confrontation. The battle came to him and he stood up for Ron Paul - camera or no camera! Frankly don't understand why people are focused on the question of his sobriety since he wasn't driving or involved in a physical confrontation.

The camera caught the musician in an unguarded moment, that's all. His friend claimed Paul Wolfowitz did nothing wrong - and he takes a verbal pounding from Mayer who maintained that what he is talking about is the issue of constitutionality. Ron Paul supporters like myself are VERY happy about this development. There is strong support for Neocons like Paul Wolfowitz in the entertainment industry and for no good reason given that America was misled by them about the Bojinka threat which they ignored (- and misled again about Iraq threat which they hyped. John Mayer is a brave man to stand up to them even when reminded that the media was there to capture his every word.

It was great to see John Mayer come out in support of Dr. Ron Paul and in support of the constitution! And who can choose the way he did it? Since he's always followed by media wherever he goes, he didn't exactly choose the confrontation. The battle came to him and he stood up for Ron Paul - camera or no camera!

Frankly I'm a little shocked that people are offended by the question of his sobriety. The camera caught the musician in an unguarded moment, that's all. His friend claimed Paul Wolfowitz did nothing wrong - and he takes a verbal pounding from Mayer who maintained that what he is talking about is the issue of constitutionality.

Ron Paul supporters like myself are VERY happy about this development. There is strong support for Neocons like Paul Wolfowitz in the entertainment industry and for no good reason given that America was misled by them about the Bojinka threat which they ignored (- and misled again about Iraq threat which they hyped. John Mayer is a brave man to stand up to them even when reminded that the media was there to capture his every word. ///////URGENT////// This is not a democracy - this is a revolution. We can talk or we can do! Want to give Dr.

Paul $20 Million again? We do too - Here is the plan in two phases! We need to unite, do not fix what isn't broken, stay with the proven methods of the 4th quarter, and whatever you do, don't make any more moeybomb websites, those of you who are, are killing the method - spammers and video pros needed - get the word out with all guns blazing! Phase 1: Sign up to donate on January 21, 2008 - over 3000 people now signed up and growing!

- Trevor Lyman and Vijay Boyapati (In memory of Martin Luther King) Phase 2: Sign up to donate on February 3, 2008 - over $15,000.00 in pledges already! - Eric Nordstrom, Republic Magazine, Prison Planet, and an Army of IRS Haters (Make a fist and raise your center finger to the IRS) The last stand of Ron Paul's Donation Machine (Us) before Super Tuesday! Either way, let's give Ron Paul the push over the top he needs for the general election and go out with the loudest noise possible. ((See: for details.

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